Usman Ahmad1, Muhammad Ans Hussain1, Wahaj Ahmad2, Jazib Javed1, Zonera Arshad1, Zahid Akram*1

1 Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 2Comsats University Islamabad, Abbottabad


In the context of global climate variability, it is foreseeable that multiple agricultural regions worldwide will experience an upsurge in instances of drought and heat stress. Today, these abiotic stresses are the primary limiting factor affecting crop development and yield. It's prevalent in semiarid regions, but climate change is having a major impact on maize output. Climate change presents significant challenges for maize production, with rising heat stress emerging as a major problem. Lower yields, worse grain quality, and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases are some of the negative effects of heat stress on maize physiology. The optimum management choices for maize can be made with the help of predictions of future maize yield based on climate change projections and the projected developmental and physiological stomatal responses. The current results of this study summarize the physiological responses of maize to heat stress, which include adaptations in photosynthesis, respiration, water usage efficiency, and reproductive activity. Furthermore, many genetic engineering strategies, including breeding for heat tolerance and biotechnological treatments, including genetic engineering, to mitigating the adverse effects of heat stress on maize production and adaptation in Maize stomatal development. In maize's adjustment to climatic threats, molecular processes play a key role, particularly emphasizing the function of stomata. Some specific genes like AOX, Zm-AN13, and ZmSEC14p plays a crucial role in fortifying maize against severe temperature fluctuations. By amalgamating this data, the combination of conventional breeding, current techniques, and grasping the physiological reactions emerges as crucial in augmenting maize's capability to withstand upcoming climatic changes.


Keywords: Heat stress, Maize physiology, Maize production, Stomatal responses, Breeding Strategies

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Environmental issue of heat stress impacts the globe's ecosystems and agriculture systems. It transpires when temperatures exceed a vital limit, causing harm to numerous creatures, including crops. The issue is notably destructive within the climate change framework, as increasing worldwide temperatures become more frequent and severe due to greenhouse gas emissions. The planet faces a growing challenge from the escalating and worrying outcomes of heat strain. As stated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), heatwaves are on the rise, growing more frequent and intense, bringing substantial dangers to human well-being, food safety, and natural surroundings. These extraordinary episodes of high temperatures are causing disruptions in everyday existence and applying pressure on worldwide farming output. Climbing temperatures and the connected heat strain are vital factors that influence harvest production, encompassing essential crops such as maize (Masson-Delmotte, 2018). Maize (Zea mays), a crucial global staple crop, exhibits great sensitivity to heat strain. When temperatures surpass the ideal range for maize cultivation, it triggers a sequence of unfavorable consequences. Elevated temperatures can reduce photosynthesis, disrupt reproductive growth, and diminish kernel production, ultimately causing significant yield reductions. Moreover, heat strain during the flowering phase can yield unsatisfactory kernel formation and diminished grain quality (Lobell and Field, 2007).

Food security and agricultural sustainability are two major issues raised due to global climate change (Ali et al., 2017). Due to its location, socioeconomic standing, and reliance on agriculture, Pakistan is one of the country’s most at risk from the consequences of climate change (Syed et al., 2022). Food security and economic growth in Pakistan owe a great deal to maize, a crucial staple crop (Rehman et al., 2015). Its output, however, is negatively impacted by heat stress brought on by global warming, altered precipitation patterns, and a rise in the frequency of extreme weather events (Chaudhry et al., 2019). The adverse effects of heat stress on maize growth, development, and production impact farmers of all sizes. As the climate changes, the negative impacts of heat stress on maize productivity will become more pronounced (Chen et al., 2018).

Deforestation and burning fossil fuels are two examples of human activities that raise the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which in turn contribute to the worldwide climate change phenomenon (Abbass et al., 2022). Global temperatures are caused by a rise in greenhouse gases (GHGs), mainly carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide (Cassia et al., 2018). Agriculture is one industry where the effects of climate change will be particularly severe. Latitude, crop type, and agricultural practices are a few of the numerous factors affecting how global climate change affects agriculture (Syed et al., 2022). Rising global temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and extreme weather occurrences, including floods, droughts, and storms, have negatively influenced agricultural production in many parts of the world (Gornall et al., 2010). Furthermore, new pests and diseases are multiplying due to climate change, which can severely impact livestock and crops (Jamil et al., 2022). Climate change is delaying planting and harvesting of crop from their natural time period, which might result in reduced yields and increased food insecurity (Ali et al., 2017).

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