
The manuscript should be prepared according to the format of TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PLANT SCIENCES (TBPSCI). After receiving of you article, you will get acknowledgement reply from the editor.

Review process: Journal has double blind review policy. The journal’s management will try to get the submitted manuscript reviewed as early as possible. Usually reviewers are requested to complete the review as early as possible; however, delay in the review process will not be on the part of TBPSCI management. If all processes from complete submission to revision go smoothly, then 10-12 weeks are required to reach to a conclusion (Acceptance/Rejection). A completely ready manuscript may be submitted through the submission system (Submissions). Get registered first and get a password; then follow the instructions via the submission system or send the ready manuscript as an email attachment to

A completely ready manuscript may be submitted through the submission system (Submissions). Get registered first and get a password; then follow the instructions via the submission system or send the ready manuscript as an email attachment to
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